Welcome to our New WordPress Site!

January 9, 2019 by Patrick Christ

Over the course of the next year, we will be implementing a full-scale redesign of our website, now that it lives on WordPress. As things change, we will be sure to let you know, and we will update this page along with it! We hope you like the new look and feel, and stay tuned to see how our site evolves! This site is a work in progress. Check this post to see what we've been working on recently!

Trump Administration Turns It’s Back on Survivors Seeking Asylum, Advocates Remain Committed to Safety for All

November 13, 2018 by Adrienne Roach

In the last week, the Trump Administration once again demonstrated its antipathy towards victims of abuse and trafficking and those seeking asylum in the United States with several unprecedented announcements that will jeopardize survivors’ ability to safely enter the country and seek available legal protections to which they are entitled.

Annual Gala to Feature Live Music, Aerial Dance Performance, Awards Honoring Champions of Domestic Violence Prevention and More

September 10, 2018 by nobleADMIN

This week, End Domestic Abuse WI (End Abuse), the coalition representing the domestic violence victim service providers across the state, will hold its annual Soar Above fundraising gala in Madison, Wisconsin. The event, which will take place on Thursday, September 13th from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Monona Terrace, is open to the public and all proceeds will support End Abuse’s work to support survivors and serve the 73 domestic violence programs throughout Wisconsin.

Dare2Know Prevention Campaign Launches Statewide!

September 5, 2018 by nobleADMIN

It gives young people the tools to lead the change our state needs, and it works to prevent violent cycles before they begin. By emphasizing the power of youth when they value their own voices, persuade their peers that everyone deserves dignity, and connect with their community to foster healthy relationships, Dare2Know aims to normalize healthy relationships and build a better future.

Saying “Job Well Done” to Tess

August 28, 2018 by nobleADMIN

This October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin will wish Tess a happy retirement and thank her for a job well done. Tess - pictured here with her partner - has reduced her hours at End Abuse and will be finishing a few trainings through the end of year before she fully starts the next phase of her life.